We’re giving away 10 Writing Launch scholarships!

At Writing Launch, our mission is to create a valuable resource for people who want to become freelance writers. That includes people who don’t have the experience or resources to get started freelancing. We believe that a lack of money shouldn’t stop people from achieving their dreams.

When Jacob and I started Writing Launch, we made it a goal to make everything as accessible as possible. To this end, we’ve created affordable payment options, and we also regularly hold free webinars packed full of valuable content.

In late 2016, we received a message from a member who was particularly participatory in the classes and who expressed learning a lot of helpful information. Unfortunately, this member could no longer afford to pay the membership fee. He was on a fixed income and had some unfortunate health issues. It takes time to establish a profitable writing career. Unfortunately, his situation didn’t give him any room at all to make a monetary investment in his future.

That made us think: How can we help people who want to be freelance writers but struggle to make ends meet? We didn’t want to exclude anyone with a passionate goal of becoming a freelance writer. We wanted to create an initiative to help out people in situations like these.

That’s why we’re giving away 10 Writing Launch scholarships. Recipients will receive 3 free months of Writing Launch membership, which includes our acclaimed No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing, several additional courses, personal help from Jacob and I, and access to other helpful resources such as webinars and ebooks.

We hope that these 10 scholarships will help launch the careers of 10 people who would otherwise not have any reliable, comprehensive resources to help jumpstart them. We’ve put a lot of work into our courses and resources, and we want to share that with the people who need it most.

However, please be aware that we have to be extremely selective during this process. Since we’re only giving away 10 scholarships, we want to make sure that they go to the people with the most need. We’ve had several people write in asking us to consider them, and unfortunately we can’t do that. We’re using an impartial form to help decide the applicants, and any messages asking for extra consideration will be discarded.

If you’re suffering from great financial need, please don’t hesitate to apply for the scholarship. Within the next month or so, we’ll be going through the applications and selecting 10 recipients based on financial need and career goals.

The scholarship application period is now over! Thanks to everyone who applied. We’ll be in touch with recipients via email over the next few weeks.

The deadline to apply is January 14. We’ll contact the winners in the month after the deadline.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@writinglaunch.com. Thank you for continuing to support Writing Launch, and we hope 2017 will be a transformative year for you.

Ian Chandler

Head Instructor

11 comments on “We’re giving away 10 Writing Launch scholarships!

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  3. Zoann Priesmeyer on

    I realize the deadline to apply was January 14, but my focus was temporarily directly elsewhere. On the chance there are any openings remaining, please let me know.
    I am disabled and have lived in nursing homes for about twelve years. I am unable to walk due to diabetic neuropathy, but I’m mentally active. I have had a computer for years. I have written over 130 short stories and have written three novels. I started a 4th, but only have around 4K words on it. The “completed” novels aren’t “page-turners” yet, so I’ll let them sit before going back to them. I need all the help I can get to be a better writer, and hopefully. become published someday. Thank you for your time and interest.

    • Ian Chandler on

      Zoann, sorry you missed the deadline. If novel writing and short story writing are your passions, then I’m afraid Writing Launch wouldn’t be much help anyway, as we don’t cover those topics at all. Is freelance writing something that you want to pursue as a career? Feel free to email us at support@writinglaunch.com and let us know.


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