What You Get With Your Membership:
  • Instant Access to All Writing Launch Courses All members get instant access to all 10 of our courses, including the No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing, How to Write a Freelance Article from Scratch, The Bulletproof Pitching System, and Break Into Blog Writing.
  • Clear and Actionable Training Each course gives you straightforward assignments and exercises that build the skills of a professional freelance writer.
  • Help Building Your Business We help you find clients so you can build a steady income with your writing.
  • Feedback On Your Writing All members get direct feedback on writing submitted for review, so you can improve your writing and your ability to earn money with your writing.
  • Unlimited Support All members get unlimited support via our online discussion platform or privately via email. This means you can get your questions answered on your own terms. When you need support, we’re here to give it to you.
  • Much, Much More… Get free access to exclusive webinars, live training, and ebooks as part of your Writing Launch Membership.

Tuition is $47 a month for as long as you choose to be a member. Most members stay between one and six months.

* By clicking “Subscribe Now” you are indicating that you understand your membership will automatically renew for $47 after one month, and every month after that until you choose to end your membership. There are no obligations to continue. You can cancel the subscription at any time. The choice is completely yours. Your first month of membership is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. That means you can join now, completely risk free. If we’re not for you, just ask for your money back, and we’ll give it to you. No questions asked.