Make Sure You Don’t Miss Out!
This week’s live webinar starts exactly at 8pm ET / 5PM PT on Thursday, February 13th, 2020.
To get the exact date for your time zone, press play on the video below. It will show you the starting time.
We encourage you to show up a few minutes early. We’ll be starting right away — and we don’t want you to miss out.
Yes, there will be a replay, but it won’t include the live Q&A session, plus the interaction with your fellow webinar attendees. There is something magical about a live event.
Also — please add the event to your calendar.
Why are you interested in freelance writing? Let us know in the comments!
I’m an experienced digital content specialist, author, and journalist who just landed her first “big girl” journalism assignment last Friday after more than a decade of grinding away for $0.05-$0.07 per word. I spent an hour rolling around on the floor whispering “I’m a freelance journalist for a major publication” after reading that pitch acceptance email. After my roommate gave me a high-five, I got up, dusted myself off, and decided to get ultra-serious about my career. Looking forward to your webinar!
I am in a chapter of my life where I have to learn how to earn another income. I am a lifelong learner and I would like to add the word “earner” to that description. I am looking forward to learning how to earn an income from my writing skills.
Thank you for providing this opportunity.
I simply hope that I will get a chance to be paid through my writing skills.
I am a professional article and content writer.
I have been writing a wine blog for nearly seven years. It is a wine blog that includes travel; I am working on shifting to travel writing that includes wine. I just landed my first travel gig with an Italian magazine and am eager to learn more about how to expand paid writing opportunities.
I am interested in starting a writing career and am looking for a way to get started.
I am a renaissance man. Writing is as much a part of who I am as my faith and my love. I always have and I always will write. Some published works have not been very profitable. I know when I was writing weekly assignment articles/ content I didn’t earn much but at least it was consistent. It would be great to make a full time living writing.
I was a teacher for twenty years. Throughout most of that time, I probably did more work than my students, all in the attempt to prepare them for a successful future. During the last few years, however, the students stopped being appreciative of why I worked so hard and, at the same time, stopped being involved in doing what they needed to do to use my teaching to help themselves. I decided to leave the profession that I once loved, in order to allow myself to focus on working for me, rather than students who didn’t appreciate my focus on them. Writing would offer that freedom, challenge, and ability to still educate (but to a voluntary and receptive audience.) I look forward to the webinar and to learning what it takes to become a successful writer.
I’d like to know more about making $500.00 a day writing. Thank you.
I have always received compliments on my writing from friends, family, and Professors. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to launch a writing career.
Academic writing especially easy writing
The thought of making money from my “hobby”, AMAZING!!!!
I really love writing stories. To earn while writing is so much interesting
I love reading and writing, but its wonderful to earn by writing
I am interested in political commentary and I would like to earn money editing and writing.
I have had poems, essays, puzzles and articles/stories published–some in Christian Publications. Right now I am writing memories for our local Newspaper, but it is not a paying job. I would love to be making money doing the thing I love. Thank you for the opportunity.
I am interested in writing stories and sharing inspirational messages
I love writing as well us reading other people’s Ideas and opinions…it becomes more good that I can earn a little grant for writing
I love to write and would love to make some money doing it Really need to know how to start
I want to write for a living. I love to write personal development articles, lifestyle, spirituality, health, natural remedies and more! I won’t be able to attend live, as it will be 3AM my time, but I’m looking forward to see the reply
I don’t mind doing the work; I just want something that will allow me to write and make money at the same time. Is this the correct field for that?
Its high time to share what is in store on my mind to the world and earn .
i would like to be writing about christian articles and end time revivals and warning people about the second coming of christ and also about spots and about life
I want to write for a living. I love to write personal development articles, lifestyle, spirituality, health, natural remedies and more.
I’m passionate about writing because it comes so easily and it is intrinsic, conjoining words to convey my messages.
All my life I have waited to become a freelance writer just right at the comfort of my home. And I’m taking the chance. Thanks
I have taken creative writing course years ago. I would like to write short stories,inspirational, motivatiinal,christian pieces. As well as fictional,nonfiction,and humor
I am fond of writing fictional works with suspense or tragedy-based plots.
Getting published can definitely materialize in the traditionally recognized sense. Success is all about knowing how. I know how. What I don’t know is how to net a true living from what I write. My money from it comes in spurts. I teach for a living right now.
I have poems I would like to share to the world. I have always hid behind doors writing and expressing myself through poetry but never published them. This is chance to do that!
I have poems I will like to share to the world. I know this chance can do that!
I have a manuscript about innovation in easy to read format and I would like to publish and earn money
I have been tinkering with writing all of my life. Now is the time to perfect my skills and get my writing in the marketplace for the public and also to generate income for me. Thank you so much for the starting point.
This is a dream business I would love to venture into,I do love writing about medicine and health article’s.
I have always wanted to write. So far the only niche (book reviews) that I have that makes sense does not match what I see in the Freedom with writing emails. I can not seem to find work in that line.
I have a story that I think needs to be heard .i think I could help people with it .im also a singer song writer and very good with words .and good at arranging my words in a manor that kinda of makes you interested in finding out what is next
I am interested in writing for my living because it is what comes natural to me. I have a wide variety of topics I write about from my research as well as my personal experiences. Many are concepts science is just now opening discussions on and I would love to be part of it all! Thank you for your help!
I’m interested for various reasons: potential geographical flexibility, a bit of extra spending money, transitioning from a less motivating profession. But mainly to improve my writing and build a freelance resumé.
I love writing articles and I hope one day my stories will be accepted for television. The more I can learn the better. I love writing and need the money. Thank you Eunice
I have a lot of unfinished stories that I would like to eventually finish and publish. The problem for me is staying focused on one particular project at a time.
This is my life’s dream. Everyone else life dream has come before mine. It’s my turn finally. I’m 66.
I am Fatema Tekriwala, I am a student studying Arts and I am not an experienced one but will surely be grateful if I’d get the opportunity to be the best one here. Writing about different things is the best skill I’ve got in me.
I’d be honored to be a part of this platform. Looking forward to a new journey.