Make Sure You Don’t Miss Out!

This week’s live webinar starts exactly at 8pm ET / 5PM PT on Thursday, February 13th, 2020.

To get the exact date for your time zone, press play on the video below. It will show you the starting time.

We encourage you to show up a few minutes early. We’ll be starting right away — and we don’t want you to miss out.

Yes, there will be a replay, but it won’t include the live Q&A session, plus the interaction with your fellow webinar attendees. There is something magical about a live event.

Also — please add the event to your calendar.

Why are you interested in freelance writing? Let us know in the comments!

91 comments on “Your spot has been saved. Here are your next steps…

  1. Danni Halladay on

    If I could do anything for a living it would be to write and finally get paid. It is my dream. I have a web page journal on fb where I share clips of things I’m working on or random commentary and observances of life. Everything on my web page has a tag on it for personal reference. I’ve worked in newspaper offices doing marketing, ad development and admin but I’d like to start marketing and developing my short stories, poetry, commentary and hopefully my first book. The topic of relationships and their various forms/structures from a cultural and psychological perspective is at the core of everything I craft whether it is fiction, fantasy or nonfiction. No romance novels or erotica are in my handbag. I have an broadly imaginative and insightful writing style. I found my voice years ago but I was afraid even though my professor strongly encouraged me to pursue my craft and become a published author. Now I’m finally ready to make my dream a reality.

  2. Chevonize on

    I am looking to expand my writing career and passion this year so all and every valuable info is welcomed. I am interested in freelance writing because it not only helps with paying the bills but it gives inner peace and I get to express myself to the world through words.

  3. Amanda Martin-Tully on

    Writing has been the one constant in my life. No matter what circumstance I’ve found myself in, there has always been a crumpled napkin and a borrowed pen that could get me through. From the moment I started my online zine in the 90s, I knew this is what I wanted to do with my life. Fuck being a librarian.

    I pursued journalism through community college and university, I was even sued for publishing unflattering articles against the administration – which while inspiring, made me a liability to hire. After a slew of rejections I gave up and did what any failed writer does, soak myself in vodka and try standup comedy. Who knew that was the one thing more soul crushing than being a writer.

    *I am so sorry I cannot be present for the webinar, I’ll be at work… but I can’t wait to watch it when I get home. Thank you!

  4. Anne Johnson on

    I have written a LOT of music and book reviews for several now-defunct publications. All of these reviews were non-paying–free cd and books are nice, of course. I loved the work and would love to get back into writing again–ideally, with paid gigs. The industry has changed dramatically and I am curious what challenges this has presented for freelance writers.

  5. june inez on

    Hi, I love writing, had a short story published in college, which I went to later in life, and since then have wanted to try my hand at writing short stories and have written a musical stage play and am hard at work attempting to write a dramatic screen play. I need help and motivation. I think hearing this will be a big aid. Thanks. P. S. I also write lyrics and melodies; I have a music video for which I wrote the storyboard. It can be seen at: krististaffordtrophywife on VEVO or CMT
    My Website:

    June Inez Wilk

  6. Becca Hunt on

    Hello. I was a copywriter for a large mail-order coin company for years before my early retirement. I love writing catalog copy, short stories and articles. I have written prose and poetry for decades and have had several paid pieces published in a regional publication. Shortly after retiring, I wrote several hundred SEO articles for one client and wrote all the content and direct mail pieces for a knitting website. Then my illness got worse and I stopped working and writing altogether. Thankfully, I’m back but now I have no idea how to pick up the pieces. Since I have been retired for years, I feel I am totally out of touch with today’s audiences and writing styles. Hope you can give me some insight…

  7. Adnan on

    I am interested in making a living from B2B freelance writing and I was curious to know how I could find high paying clients?

  8. Richard York on

    I am good at writing, but have rarely used it professionally since college. I have craved security, but I would like a career that satisfies and where I can use my best and most prized skills. Getting laid off recently has alerted me to the fact that there is no real security in the corporate world, that the only real security will come when I am in charge of my work.

    • Becca Hunt on

      Best of luck with your goals. There’s an old saying that tells us if we find a way to make a living from doing something we really love and enjoy, we’ll never work a day in our lives.

      • Zarshal Saeed on

        My name is Zarshal and I am rather new at freelance writing. For a short while now, I’ve been working as an academic writer for this website and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I want to pursue this field further since working at my own time frees up quite a lot of space for my other activities (i-e painting and sketching, someday I want to travel the world too). So I’m trying to get more involved in this world of freelance writing since all of others seem so much more experienced than me and I want to learn from them. Looking forward to the webinar!

    • Diane Scribner on

      Hey there ! I have had some poetry published .
      More recently I did Travel articles and reviews for a
      local newspaper . When I left the travel business I broke away from writing . Now I’ve had some life changing moments and hope to go in a totally different direction with articles relating to Seniors .
      Fact and opinion sprinkled with humor is my style.
      I need a kick in the pants to get going before I forget where I put my pen .

  9. Julie Stanley on

    I have more experience in editing and writing fiction than I do, say, articles. I have written many, but that was about ten years ago and the outlets I wrote for were small and didnt pay well enough to support me and my family. I am an award winning author and have published a few books and quite a collection of anthologies. I’m looking for redirection in my life that will spur me into a more profitable freelance writing career.

  10. Anne Pratt on

    I have published art reviews and articles in the past – some in the long long ago time of the 80s and 90s. I find myself now without employment and too young and poor to retire. IT’s a whole new world out there from when I had a dot matrix printer and a fax machine.

  11. Molly on

    I had one published article over ten years ago and I tried my hand at blogging for awhile but became discourage when it seemed nobody was reading my posts so I just gave up. I enjoy writing but I need a positive push to go forward.

  12. Michael Quire on

    I used to do freelance writing for a Catholic newspaper. The circulation was over
    That was over 30 years ago, however, and everything has changed. I hope this can springboard me back into the arena.

    • Olayinka Emmanuel Dada on

      Seed of Greatness
      A seed of Greatness packed and package in every body., I can say this because is only who can help himself or activate it will enjoy his or life.
      Struggle will disappeared from the person.
      He who activate his seed of Greatness will not beg for food.
      A visitionary person is the person who can see is future far off will enjoy his life till fullness.
      A man he who can not see his future fare off will serve his immidate.
      A man who is not a visionary will always referring to his pass..
      As a young youth’s you have to set your goal from the beginning of your life. If not you will become unsuccessful in life.
      Small key will unlock a great treasure in your life.
      Your scale of preference must be very sand unless you will waste cash at the beginning before you answered.
      We don’t get lucky but we make lucky.
      As a person, you should not allowe procratination and fear in anything you want to do.
      Procratination and fear is the enemy of progress. What you don’t know is the key enemy of your future.
      Life don’t wait for nobody, if you wait your will waste


      • Aerin Leigh on

        Writing has always been my passion and my gift . . . But I did the “safe” thing and went into teaching . . . I’ve navigated the educational field successfully in every conceivable role and now I’m at a crossroads . . . Brene’ Brown says middle age is a time when life takes shakes by the shoulders and says “quit fucking around now and use your gifts” . . . Or something like that;) . . . At the same time my God is looking over my shoulder saying, “Child, if I haven’t given you enough to write about at this point, I can’t help you anymore . . . “ I’m a writer . . . I write . . . I need to write and get paid for it.

  13. Robert Bermudez on

    Looking for new career or way to make a living and some steadier money. Current commission based job is one I am burned out on and is not making me steady income. Plus, of course, I like to write and have done before.

  14. Mercy on

    The most powerful book I’ve read is “A Woman’s Temptation” by Charlotte Mary Brame. I know I would have done something great in life to write with such finesse and to command words themselves. I simply want to “touch hearts with words”.

  15. Quintt Truss on

    I want to write 50 books before I turn 50. I’ve written 20 and nons been published. I want to finance my writing by freelance writing. I hope this helps. Thank you for any response.

    • Michael Carlton1-1/19/2018 Little on

      Point of interest, if you are serious about being published. this site is great but to have books printed and offered throughout, go to Kindle or Smashwords for no cost ebooks printing (Kindle offers free books on demand to be printed, but you will have printing costs removed from your profit . Smashwords also offers free oral books, but I haven’t used this serviced.

      Also, I am trying to write, primarily religeous devotions etc. I have written and published 18 ebooks that are available at Kindle or Smashwords. Hope the rodcadst will further my interest. I am 74 and started writing in the third grade, with many years between efforts.

    • Agnes on

      Having something great in life is the most important thing ,,furthermore if its earning you some good cash ,,am eager to learn about this freelance writing

  16. Abdul Latif on

    Hi,I have done MA English and MA Political science from Pakistan, Yes am unemployed but I does not want to do job which go against my interest, as I have interest in writing therefore am craving for writing works because this niche is tasty and sweet.


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