Dear Writers,

I’m writing to confirm that you are now registered for our free webinar. It will air on Tuesday, July 14th at 3:00 PM ET.

The Webinar Will Air Here

During these difficult times, we’ve decided to step up and help as many people as we can.

Here’s the big news

We are giving away a free month of Writing Launch Membership to new students.

Why? Because we know a lot of people are still in a tough situation, and we want to help. (And we’re in the extremely fortunate position to be able to offer this.)

Here’s what we’re giving you…

Your free month of membership will include instant access to all of our courses, including…

  • The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing
  • Freelance Writing for Creative Writers
  • Get Your First Publication: A Seven Day Crash Course

You get more than our courses though, you also get:

  • One-on-one mentoring via email, course discussion boards, and more.
  • Our database of 1700 publishers seeking freelance writers
  • Full access to our community of freelance writers
  • Webinars and live group trainings designed to help specific aspects of your writing career

The bottom line: If you want to get paid to write, this is for you.

What course should you start with?

If you want a solid foundation for a successful writing career, then you should start with The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing. It will give you the tools you need to build a successful career that lasts. This is particularly valuable for those who are brand new to freelance writing.

If you are primarily a creative writer then a great place to start is our brand new course, Freelance Writing for Creative Writers. You’ll learn how to use your creative writing skills to enhance your freelancing prospects, plus you’ll learn important skills (and differences) necessary for freelance writing.

If you have some experience under your belt, then there are several options that may interest you.

  • The Bulletproof Pitching System helps you land more freelancing clients.
  • The Copywriting Crash Courseteaches you how to get high-paid copywriting jobs.
  • Break Into Blog Writingwill help you get established as a freelance blogger.

How much does all of this cost?

Note – we’re giving you a free month of membership. That means it costs nothing.

Courses like ours regularly sell for upwards of $350 or more. One of our students once “complained” that the training was too similar to her university courses. As you know, university training costs thousands of dollars.

Writing Launch is much more affordable. For those who take advantage of it, the price is extremely low – just $47 per month.

However, for those who take advantage of the free month, the cost is as low as it gets: $0.

Of course, we do hope that some of you will continue as paid members (We do have bills to pay, eventually). But, that is completely up to you.

There’s no way around it: This is an extremely valuable free gift – and I sincerely hope you take full advantage of it.

What is included with membership? Watch this video…

One Important Request

Before you enroll, please commit to actually following through. If you are going to sign up – then please commit to actually doing our training. Even if you only spend ten minutes a day, you can learn a surprising amount. But only if you commit to it.

How to Take Advantage of this Offer

Enrollment opens on Tuesday, July 14th. Visit our website on Tuesday, and you will be able to claim your free month. (New members only.)

To get your free month, use the coupon code DONATE

Note, this coupon code can only be used once.

A Question For You

Which of our courses are you interested in? Why? Answer below in the comments!

238 comments on “You’re In!

  1. Celeste on

    The BS Course is most interesting to me. I have been putting it off for too long. I would love to actually get some traction with my freelance writing, especially after being unemployed for so long. Thank you very much for the generous offer.

  2. Megan on

    Firstly – thank you all so much for this incredible opportunity, and for everything you offer on a regular basis. I am subscribed to several freelancer newsletters, and yours is by far the most looked forward to and most valuable for me. THANK YOU! As far as courses go, I’m sure I want to take them all. I have my degree in writing, but I am very new to freelancing and have so much to learn. I will definitely be taking the No BS and and Bulletproof pitching courses. Hopefully I’ll have time for more, and ideally will be able to join with a membership at some point. Thank you again, I’m so excited for this!

  3. Diane Fanucchi on

    I’m probably interested in the freelance blogging course. I already have some aspects of my business started, and have taken some copywriting, journalism and content marketing courses. I’ve had a few small assignments for magazines and a blog, but I really need help marketing my business and getting good clients.

  4. Antonio Kostadinov on

    I’m interested in The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing. As a final year student in “Journalism”, I’m looking forward for expanding my writing horizons – particularly launching a freelance career (with no experience).

  5. Victoria on

    I am interested in the No B.S course for freelance writers. I would also want to learn the Copywriting crash cost. Thanks

  6. Aqsa Abbas on

    It’s Aqsa here. I would like to go for Freelance Writing for Creative Writers because i would like to improve on my skills.

  7. Ronald Claiborne on

    I am interested in the creative writing course and the foundational course as well because I have been dabbling with launching a career in freelance writing for years but I want to move forward now.

  8. Mike Wilzoch on

    Interested in the No BS course. I have dozens of non-fiction story ideas listed in single spaced columns on a couple pages, all from my personal experiences over 50 years, some of which have been shared in storytelling fashion at a variety of settings. There’s also a couple fictional stories as well. Several passages are already written–inside my head. Prying them loose from that mess up there and getting them onto the page will scratch a nasty itch I haven’t been able to reach yet. Need a push and practical options to get off the dime.

  9. Veronica on

    I am really interested in the Freelance writing for Creative writers as my goal would be to write books for a living. But I am practical too and so I am also interested in the No B.S. guide to freelance writing as I hope it could give me the tools to find other work and keep my options open, as I also have bills to pay, lol. Thank you so much for this opportunity and all of the other wonderful things you send out in your emails, I really appreciate all that you do!

    • Tatjana on

      Thank you for the opportunity and your consistent newsletters. Interested in the No BS guide to freelance writing and creative writing. I’ve been thinking about breaking into regular writing and now seems like a good time to start.

  10. Aydah Nabakka on

    I would like to go for Freelance Writing for Creative Writers because i would like to improve on my skills

  11. Jassy Jubilee on

    Hi, my name is Jassy. I am a senior college student majoring in English writing in university. Currently, I am a para in a classroom and plan to make my career in teaching. However, I have always dreamed of having a writing career in journalism, creative writing, film, what have you, I just love to write. The first course I would primarily be interested in taking is the introduction to freelancing. My goal this summer is to get something published, anything published! I just want to start getting my name out there. Attached below is my blog site. Please feel free to check it out, as it is full of samples of my writing from poetry, book reviews, restaurant reviews, and nature writing. Thanks so much for offering all of these amazing opportunities; it means a lot, especially for upcoming writers like me. Ya’ll are awesome!

  12. Michele Maycock on

    The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing appeals the most to me as I’d really like to learn the basics for a successful writing career. I’ve had one short story published in a local magazine and I won one local poetry contest. These were both years ago, but I’d like to return to writing again.

  13. John on

    Experienced freelancer interested in learning more and making connections. I’m interested in all of the courses.

    • Ognen Georgievski on

      Hi, even though I’ve been writing since 2000, I am interested in The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing – especially the part that refers to building a successful career that lasts. Also, I am very curious to see what the the Bulletproof Pitching System has to offer, as pitching is a part of every writing project I get involved in (mostly as screenwriter).

  14. Cathy Park Kelly on

    Hi Jacob
    I’d love to do the No BS course on freelancing, as well as the Bulletproof Pitching one. I’ve been freelancing for about a year and feel the need to get more strategic about my pitches.

    • Jacob Jans on

      Cathy – We also offer pitch critiques to our members, so once you’ve joined, feel free to send us a pitch you’re working on, and we’ll give you feedback on it.


    I am interested in the No BS course as well as the email pitching course. I have several 1500+ word articles written aimed at management professionals and the use of social media and content marketing in an ever more digital world.

  16. Tammy Lockley on

    I will have to say the Frrelance Writing for Creative Writers really peaked my interest. At the same time I am excited to take the opportunity to have access to so much help and support, as well as courses! I am not in a position to pay for learning at the moment, and through this chance to get complete access to your courses, one on one training, and community, I am excited to see where this takes me!Thank you for offering this amazing opportunity! I am sure that there are people all over the world who are smiling right now because of this, and the world truly needs more smiles now more than ever.

    • Asamoah Joseph on

      The No B.S Course on Freelance Writing
      I am interested in this course because it will give me the solid foundation I need to build a fulfilling writing career. This course will help me lay a good base for raising my professional structure of writing.

  17. Tamarack Verrall on

    I am interested in The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing, The Copywriting Crash Course, the Freelance Writing for Creative Writers, The Bulletproof Pitching System, the Break Into Blog Writing. I have been meaning to delve into this for years, and want to write about social change with a global perspective. I have self-published poetry but am interested in reporting news, and writing political commentary. Active in human rights and women’s rights for a half century. Thank you for this opportunity.

    • Jacob Jans on

      Tamarack – I would encourage you to choose just one or two courses to start with, and then move forward from there. We’ve found that students who try to do too many courses at once tend to lose momentum very quickly. That being said, I admire your dedication to human and women’s rights. I hope we’re able to serve you well!

      • Tamarack Verrall on

        Thanks Jacob,
        I want to ease out of teaching (English to Adults) to focus on freelance writing. So the No BS Course on Freelance Writing seems a good start. Thanks for your supportive response. I have access to a lot of international events/situations that need attention in Canada and the UN.

  18. Trudy Robinson on

    I am interested in The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing and The Copywriting Crash Course. I have done some writing but I have not got paid for any of my writing as of yet. I look forward to the day when I can earn a decent living from my writing. Thank you for this help, I really appreciate it.


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