10 Publishers That Pay Freelance Writers

Dear Writers,

Here’s a selection of 10 publishers from our members only database of over 1800 publishers.

All of the publishers in our database include contact information, as well as researched payment rates.

Included here is a wide variety of publishers, all of them paying at least 75 cents per word.

Writing Launch Members: If you are pitching one of these publishers, please send us a draft pitch first. We’ll go over it for suggestions for improvement. We can often identify a few ways to increase your chance of success.


Jacob Jans

Current is “the nonprofit news service for and about public media in the U.S.” Their primary audience consists of people who work at public radio and TV stations, networks and production companies. They “aim to provide public media professionals with valuable insights and information that helps them and their institutions reach new levels of success.” They accept story pitches from freelance journalists. According to their digital editor, they pay $0.75 per word. Pitches should be sent to pitch@current.org. To learn more, read their writing guidelines.

Variety covers entertainment news, awards, film reviews, film festivals, box office, and more. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.75 per word. To contact them, visit this page.

Quanta Magazine is an independent online publication that covers the latest news and trends in physics, mathematics, life science, and computer science research. According to one payment report, they paid $1.75 per word for a 1,500-word feature. To contact them, refer to this page.

Diversity Woman is an integrated media enterprise that provides “the best advice in work strategies, business solutions and global trends to diverse professional women online, in print and through events.” According to one payment report, they pay $0.75 per word. To contact them, visit this page.

5280 is a monthly magazine that covers dining, entertainment, culture, arts, lifestyle, and politics in Denver, Colorado. They have a circulation of 90,000. Their front-of-the-book stories are 50 to 400 words long, departments are 800 to 1,500 words long, and features are up to 6,000 words long. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.75 per word. To learn more, read their writer’s guidelines.

Canadian Art is a print and online magazine about contemporary art in Canada. They publish smart and accessible prose. They seek “original thinking, under-told histories and marginalized voices that challenge the status quo.” They pay 75 cents per word for print pieces and 50 cents per word for online pieces. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.

Brain & Life, formerly known as Neurology Now, is a consumer friendly magazine “for people with neurologic conditions, their families, and caregivers.” They publish research based articles that are well sourced. They pay 75 cents per word, up to 1,500 words. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.  

Hospitality Design is a print and online trade magazine that focuses on the field of hospitality design. They publish 11 times a year. They serve “owners, operators, brands, purchasing agents, interior designers, and architects involved in the design of hotels, resorts, restaurants, nightlife, spas, and all other hospitality-oriented projects.” According to one payment report, they paid $0.80 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.

Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet that publishes stories that encourage and inspire people to create a more sustainable future. They consider proposals for articles and feature stories that “provide solution-focused perspectives on emerging environmental challenges as well as novel ways of looking at long-standing issues.” Their articles are of about 700 to 750 words, and feature stories are of about 1,000 to 1,200 words. According to one payment report, they paid $0.80 per word. For details, read their contributor guidelines.

Business Insurance is a source of news and information on risk management, commercial insurance, and workers compensation. They deliver “in-depth analysis on new and emerging risks, case studies of successful programs, market intelligence on trends, and guidance on how to capitalize on opportunities and overcome challenges.” One payment report indicates that they pay $0.85 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.

10 comments on “10 Publishers That Pay Freelance Writers

  1. Lori Armstrong on

    Thank you for always supplying us with updated and accurate information.

    I have written, edited and published 4 books and am always up for more work. I am just winding up a book and Blog for a couple clients and open for more work.

    Warmest regards,


    • Sandra Liz Nakalema on

      Thank you so much for showing & sharing such important information, I as a beginning freelance writer, in EastAfrica ” Uganda”. Data is expensive but I keep chasing the dream and passion to write , I keep pitching and hoping for a reply , above all your emails give me so much hope and energy to keep going.
      Your emails make my day, than you so so very much !

  2. Philip Parkinson on

    Hi…I am a UK based writer who uses a poetic/journalistic style to report on any matter affecting societies today. My current focus is unsurprisingly on Covid and the emerging new normal. If you require examples of my work and user friendly rates please contact.

  3. Ibtesam on

    Hi, I am a freelance writer and I have worked with various American and Canadian clients for non-fictional articles and blogs. My expertise is on health and wellness, food, home decor, and reviews. I am also working as a copywriter. I adopt the writing style according to the client’s requirements. You can contact me for long or short articles.

  4. Toyin Clay Pender on

    Hello. I currently work as an editor in my son’s newly floated company. I would be happy to work on editing jobs that would help broaden my experience. Thank you.
    Toyin Clay Pender.

  5. Nicodemus on

    I am a freelance writer and through this emails, I have been writing articles for a Canadian magazine. If you need top-notch articles for your website, feel free to contact me. My rates are way too low. Sincere regards

  6. Mary Chalupsky on

    I am a freelance writer with a past Medical Assistant career, and I’ve written articles about Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the disease and the treatment. If anyone is interested in my type of writing having to do with the medical field, contact me please. I also have written twenty three children’s books.

    Thank you,
    Mary Griffith Chalupsky

  7. gary burrows on

    ive not written for a a fair while ,but i used to freelance, reporting on sport for various radio stations, ive got my own way of capturing peoples interest without labouring the point. but catch there interest with Short descriptive interesting articles, i feel this is just one my strengths . If you can advise me to where i may be able to use this style i would be pleased to follow your guide.. regards Gary burrows


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