You can get paid to write if you follow the simple strategies that Ian Chandler will outline in Tuesday’s webinar.
But make sure that you show up!
If you miss the webinar, you’ll miss out. So, be sure to mark your calendar.
The webinar airs at 3pm ET on Wednesday, September 1st, 2021.
The webinar will air here.
Please add a reminder to your calendar.
Why do you want to get your first paid publication?
Let us know in the comments below!
I feel like I am creating a masterpiece.
I have been interested in writing since childhood. Wish to know and share with other writers how to begin.
Hi, I have been writing these genre postmodern novels about identity in a market that has been truncating year by year, primarily due to biopolitical shrinking and migrations. I set out to write a book in English, that is not my mother tongue, though I have been using it as a writer since 20 years or so.
My first published novel was translated to German in Lichtungen Magazine from Graz, while my poetry in English is accessible from a live sesh, here.
I express myself best when writing which I do when sending personalized devotionals to family and friends, however, I want to take it to the next level of making a business out of it while still creating a difference in the lives of people.
I’m eager to attend your class on writing and how to get paid ! I’m so interested in writing !
Hello, I discovered I am comfortable with writing. I really want to learn more on it.
I am building my writing career . I have been into ebook, academic and content writing.l am super excited for this webinar trusting that through it l can improve my writing skills and land gigs that can help me make both ends meet.
Hey Iam a journalist by profession currently volunteering with a radio station here in Kakamega and thought like Print media can help attain what I need in my life.
Hi, I am looking forward to this webinar. I am interested in Article writing, copywriting & especially English poetry writing.
Hi my name is Amos.I’ve always been interested in writing. I would very much like to give what little I know about romantic life
hy, i am a writer doing product review and other article writings for the past like 2 year and i have not been getting writing jobs as i was thinking. I hope you will be help me to become successful
I am looking forward to this webinar as my future will be traveling all over the US and this would be right up my alley. Have always been interested in writing. Have written children’s stories, historical romance and other time frames.
Hello I am St. Felicity Therese Drakuru, a senior citizen obsessed with writing ideas. I would like to do paid writing but have never been selected to do so. I will join the free webinar at 3.00 pm. Hopefully I will learn more skills for paid writing.
Hi, I am Joel from Kenya, l am a writer and wish to improve my writing skills by writing even more.
I am from Norway. I have written a book which was published by a major publishing company and took me to conferences all over the world. Due to events in my life, I have not written much since, and the more time which passes the more difficult it becomes. I need to get going again 🙂
Hi, my name is Joy. I have written a book, a memoir about how a specific illness has affected my life throughout 3 generations. Unfortunately due to financial constraints I cannot have my writing edited or published unless I somehow manage to bring in an income. Writing is my interest therefore I would like to pursue free training in order to improve my skills. I am a senior citizen and working on my second memoir, different subject matter.
I am looking forward to attend webinar.It will definitely added to my writing skills
I had a psychology practice for 23 years, and am now, in a mid-life I had not anticipated, feeling “called” to “expression.” I have started over 40 books and articles, as well as a few children’s books with illustrations. It seems I have always been creating snapshots of nature and relationships with my eyes, my cameras, my pencils and paints, and now, my iPad Pro. (See SimpleMoment Cards at I have forever been a musician with the instruments of my voice and piano, with music being my true language. And, as an introvert, I have written dialogue and stories in my head, since walking along the Chesapeake Bay as a young child in search of ancient fossils and treasures. BUT, fear of rejection has kept me in bondage from going “public” and “social” with my works (and a desire not to bother with such things and have all my time absorbed by keeping up with them). I hope that a free workshop will be a good thing.
Hello, my name is Ben I am a digital nomad, have been one for the next ten years. looking forward to the webinar.
I am a blogger and now i want to take my new website to blog furthur more as i am a beginner will try my best as i have several ideas to get instant access.
I want my work to appear for people to see the new ideas that I brought into the world through my write up
I am Mariam Hammed, I’m looking forward to the webinar
For me to see my writing being published , it will be a milestone in my life. Am open to learning and acquiring new skills. Only a fool can close the chapters of reading a chapter a day! Eagerly waiting for the webinar.
I am a highly skilled, enthusiastic, self-motivated professional writer with a great successful experience of two years. My education and research in the field have made me one of the perfect professional writers.
I do write Articles Review content for Different websites In A Unique and Attractive way without Plagiarism
I look forward to this webinar.
I do write seminar papers, articles, project writings and online radio, TV, newspaper and video Development. I am also Data analyst.
Simply, I am a columnist, story writer for children and adult, poet, script writer, essay writer.jingle writer.